+46 (0)581-502 00

Complete HewSaw sawmill

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UJ Trading

Gransnåret 17
711 95 Gusselby

Kontakt Info

Telefon: +46 (0)581-502 00
Fax: +46 (0)581-503 81
E-post: uj@uj-trading.se

Produkt beskrivning

Complete sawmill with logsorting, log deck with remote controlled Log Crane type Kronos 4000 XL, debarking machine Valon Kone 550 Combi 2R, HewSaw R 115 upgraded with bigger motors, Screew conveyor up to chip screen Bruks type BS 7, Chipper Bruks 1200.

Green sorting line.

Trimmer with 5 cross cut saws, 12 pieces hydraulic let down bins, Automatic stick layer system type Almab robot system with 11 pieces stick placers and automatic infeed system for sticks.

Capacity approx. 55,000 m3 sawn goods per year in one shift.

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