+46 (0)581-502 00

Söderhamn reducer bandsaw line

Kontakta oss

UJ Trading

Gransnåret 17
711 95 Gusselby

Kontakt Info

Telefon: +46 (0)581-502 00
Fax: +46 (0)581-503 81
E-post: uj@uj-trading.se

Produkt beskrivning

Söderhamn reducer bandsaw line with 3 quad bandsaw groups.
1. Log deck.
2. Step feeder.
3. But end reducer BRUKS RR 1000.
4. Log haul conveyor.
5. Debarking machine Cambio 800 with in and out feed.
6. Bark shredder type HBS with all conveyors.
7. Log haul conveyor in to saw line.
8. Scanning equipment type REMA LOG BARK.
9. Reducer band saw with 4 bands type AKE.
10. Reducer band saw with 4 bands type AKE.
11. Band saw with 4 bands type AKE.
12. Edger optimizer type Söderhamn EDGAR.
13. All conveyors between the saw machines.
14. Complete bottom floor with conveyors chipper and screen.
15. All electric, electronic and hydraulic equipment belonging to the line.

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