+46 (0)581-502 00

Green sorter with trimmer, 50 bins and stacker

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UJ Trading

Gransnåret 17
711 95 Gusselby

Kontakt Info

Telefon: +46 (0)581-502 00
Fax: +46 (0)581-503 81
E-post: uj@uj-trading.se

Produkt beskrivning

Renholmen, Sweden, year 1998. Not in use since 2017.
Length out 2.4-5.7 m (possible to modify for 6.0 m).
Kiln package size W=1.45 x H=1.7 m. 10 kiln sticks 25 x 48 x 1450 mm
Speed approx. 70 lugs per minute in sorter line, up to 130 lugs per minute in stacker line.
Sizes produced in the line; from 16x100 mm to 75x275 mm

Consisting of:
Receiving deck for timber from outside (not stacked)
Unscrambler before landing decks
Landing deck and cross feeder
Double unscrambler
Short cross feeder with toothed chains
Curve conveyor
Even ending rollers with moving fence
Cross feeder with accumulation section
Single piece feeder type Turbo feeder
Lug conveyor
Even ending rollers
Scanning section with integrated turner type SharkFin
Scanners type Microtec DiScan, 2006, two stations for upper face scanning, turning in between
Grading station (manual grading is optional)
Shifting fence 0-300 mm
Lug conveyor
Trimmer, 19 saws, 2 x 22 kW motors
Even ending rollers
J-bar conveyor, drive 30 kW
50 hydraulic bins
Bottom conveyors
Cross feeder with accumulation section
Single piece feeder type Turbo feeder
Lug chain with even ending rollers for two ends in kiln packages
Stick handling system for automatic stick handling;
- Infeed conveyor, step feeder, unscrambler, separator sticks/bearers, feeding to stick cassettes. Up to 10 sticks per layer. Stick handling upgraded in 2014.
Package cross feeder and roller conveyors
Package cross feeders
Hydraulic units, central lubrication

Rema control system, updated 2016.
Operator panels and control seats

Building size approx. 10 m x 100 m incl. incoming curve.

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