+46 (0)581-502 00

Complete Ari sawmill

Contact us

UJ Trading

Gransnåret 17
SE-711 95 Gusselby

Contact Info

Phone: +46 (0)581-502 00
Fax: +46 (0)581-503 81
Email: uj@uj-trading.se

Product description

Sawmill complete with log intake (incl. crane,step feeder and Rema log scanner), butt end reducer (Bruks RR 1000) and debarker (2 Cambio 70-66) line. Sewco 3-D scanner with ARI log turner infeed and ARI SKR-600+KS 12 , ARI BKR-600, ARI multi rip saw DS 74+1. Edging line with Vislanda SS360 and Combi sorting line with 46 bins.

Capacity approx. 40,000-50,000 m3 sawn goods per year in one shift.

Contact UJ Trading with your specific requirements in sawmill equipment.