+46 (0)581-502 00

Log Sorting Line With 20 Pockets

Contact us

UJ Trading

Gransnåret 17
SE-711 95 Gusselby

Contact Info

Phone: +46 (0)581-502 00
Fax: +46 (0)581-503 81
Email: uj@uj-trading.se

Product description

Double logdeck, elevator, hydrocrane Foresteri with remote control, 2D logscanner REMA 9000 (length and diam), metaldetector ABB, butt-end reducer Bruks RR700,
20 (2x10) sorting pockets, sorting conveyor with hydraulic kickers, electronics and operating system from 2009
Produced by Ingvar Persson AB, speed up to 90 m/min
Logs L = 2,5 – 6 m Diam = 10 – 60 cm, total length of the line approx 110 m

Contact UJ Trading with your specific requirements in sawmill equipment.