+46 (0)581-502 00

Reducer band saw line

Contact us

UJ Trading

Gransnåret 17
SE-711 95 Gusselby

Contact Info

Phone: +46 (0)581-502 00
Fax: +46 (0)581-503 81
Email: uj@uj-trading.se

Product description

Complete saw line with reducer twin bandsaw + tipple band saw.

Log deck with step feeder, Bruks RR 1000 Butt end reducer. Remill 750 debarker infeed and Cambio 66 AirTen Debarker
Log measuring scanner type SAWCO 3D. Automatic log turner and infeed conveyor type ARI LT
Chipper canter Band Saw group Söderhamn, 2 band with merry go round system.
Band Saw group no. 2 with 3 bands.

Automatic Edger Line type Söderhamn Autopos 3 with Edger Söderhamn 519 Chipper

All hydraulic, electric, and electronic equipment belonging to the line.

Contact UJ Trading with your specific requirements in sawmill equipment.